About us

Colorful mosaic of people holding hands in a circular formation.

Our mission

Our mission and passion is to promote a human relational philosophy that recognizes two fundamental truths about all human beings. One, that we are all unique and cannot be considered to be copies of any other human being. Two, that we are all part of one species, homo sapiens, who are equal to each other in our humanity. 

Although this may seem to be common sense, it is not. Humanity throughout history has continued to group human beings and assign the same value to everyone in the group. For example, all human beings in this group are bad or inferior and all human beings in our group are good or superior.

This can never be human truth. 

Group judgmentalism of human beings has led to some of the worst human tragedies in history including the Holocaust and all human genocides. Group judgmentalism, such as racism and antisemitism, does not improve human relations - it makes them worse.

Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Intersectionality engage in group judgmentalism and create hierarchies determined by membership in particular human groups. Human beings cannot be completely defined by a single group and therefore we find CRT to be more harmful for human relations than helpful - it leads to injustice instead of justice. 

We promote Ethical Individualism Theory (EIT), a human relational philosophy that applies the human truths of uniqueness and equality. EIT never engages in group judgmentalism of any group, but instead insists that we judge everyone only by their individual character. EIT also insists that all human beings are equal in value from a human perspective. 

Please join us in our movement to promote equality for everyone no matter what they look like or where they come from. 

"The Center for Human Equality champions equality for all unique individuals - that they have the right to be judged by this uniqueness and not judged by group - nor ever assigned collective guilt for actions that they did not commit individually." Rabbi Russell McAlmond


Join the Equality Movement

Empower unique individuals by advocating for equality for everyone. Your support helps create a society where everyone thrives regardless of race, gender, or background.